Thursday, 26 January 2012

Ricoh 35FM | ROLL TWO - Fotosistema 100, expired 2007

Our friend at the photolab always gives us a film roll when we develop another one. Most of the times she gives us this rolls of expired Fotosistema 100 from the stock they have at the lab. This is the first one we shot, with the Ricoh 35FM in October 2010. Lots of light leaks came out, as a result of the damaged and worn light seals that I had to replace later.

Recuerdos de verano II
No title
In the woods
O Pazo
Rubo and Brandon
(Accidental light leak)
Purple little flowers

Monday, 2 January 2012

Königer 9702 | ROLL TWO - Kodak Gold 400

We took these photos two years ago (summer 2010). It was the second roll with the Königer and the results were much better!! And it was a beautiful summer, we went with Lore's family to the beach, you can see the photos below :)

Lore's sister, the picture came out bad :/
hello :)
Summer days
Summer sunshine I miss you
Remembering summer
Anonymous I
Anonymous II
Enjoying the summer