Saturday, 6 December 2014

Pentax MV | ROLL EIGHT - Kodak 100, expired who knows when

As many of you know, Rubo is actually living in London. This roll was taken in my first visit there with him living in that awesome city. I had so much fun in that travel and most of the analog pictures I took ended up being part of a book I gave to Rubo for our anniversary a couple of years ago. When I visited London they were celebrating the Queen's Jubilee so the city was so beautiful with the flags, we also went to Brighton, one of my dreams since I was a teenager and I saw one picture of the pier in one of my English books, I felt in love with the city and I hope you do the same through these pictures! Love

Travel to London
In London streets
The National Gallery
At the Pier I
UK Flag
Brighton, how beautiful you are!
At the Pier II
Brighton carousel
Broken seashell
Ferris wheel
Brighton love