Friday, 12 August 2016

Pentax MV | ROLL FOURTEEN - Novocolor 100

Sometimes you get a good roll and sometimes you don't. I was pretty unhappy when I saw the results of this roll as I only like 1-2 pictures. After seeing some awesome pictures on the internet with this technique I tried to experiment it myself, soaking the film in lemon juice before shooting with it. I don't think I will try to do this again as the pictures got really damaged and it was a little bit dissapointing not getting the results I was expecting.


Thursday, 11 August 2016

Pentax MV | ROLL THIRTEEN - Lomography 800

I took most of these pictures next to my grandma's house during spring. I can't believe they were taken three years ago, I'm still really behind updating the blog but now that I'm on holiday I hope to come and say hi often!

Pancakes and blueberries
At the blue house I
At the blue house II
At the blue house III
Museo del mar
Daisies crown