Friday, 8 December 2017

Pentax MV | ROLL TWENTY - Fujichrome Provia 100F Professional, expired 2004

Third roll of our trip and second part of the pictures that I took in Ireland, this time they are less grainy, but still they don't do it justice. Ireland is such a beautiful place and I had so much fun exploring it with Lauren. During our stay we took two different tours, one of them brought us to the Cliffs of Moher and with the second one we visited Connemara and its surroundings.
At the end of this roll there are some pictures from our stay in Porto, Portugal. Even though I live really close, it was my first time in the city and I inmediately fell in love, since then I'm always looking forward to go back.

me in Ireland
Friary of Ross
Killary Fjord
The colour of Ireland
Irish flowers
Torre dos Clérigos
Iglesia do Carmo
flare II
me in Porto
Ponte de D. Luís