Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Lomo LC-A | ROLL FOUR - Kodacolor 200, expired who knows when

It's really frustating when you get back a roll of film from the lab and you realize that most part of it wasn't exposed. I think my Lomo LC-A may have a sticky-shutter problem and now I need to find someone that can fix it. I changed the batteries to see if that was the problem but I've just received another blank roll that I'll share with you sometime soon.


Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Lomo LC-A | ROLL THREE - Ferrania Solaris 100, expired who knows when

In 2019 Lauren travelled again to Vigo, here you have the pictures I took during her time here. We also went to Lisbon and Sintra. This time we were only in two different countries, you can follow our hashtag #twocountriesonemonth on instagram.

Girls and vinyls
Abandoned camp
Cabo Home
Museu do Azulejo
Princess in our castle
out of focus
Elle 2
Dreamy Lourizán
Fonte dos espellos
Happy accidents

Friday, 16 July 2021

Fuji Instax Mini 90 | ROLL ONE - Fujifilm Instax Mini

The Fuji Instax Mini 90 was a birthday present, the thing I love the most about this camera is the double exposure mode. I'm sharing with you just 4 out of 10 pictures that come in the film pack because then I let the camera to a friend and she shot the rest of them. I'll share more pictures with this camera soon but first I need to get a scanner.
Bruno & Aroa
Fundación Serralves
Fundación Serralves II

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Lomo LC-A | ROLL TWO - Lomography 100

At the moment, I'm living a romance with this camera. When I found it in a street market I was so afraid to ask its price, I held it in my hands and I finally asked how much it was, the seller wrote the price in a small calculator: 15 euros.... I tried to pretend I wasn't too interested but at the end I bought it (of course). I went with my little treassure to the bus station and a tourist asked me where I found that camera, when I told him the story he couldn't believe my luck. I had to fix some things myself to make it work, but you can imagine my face every time I see a new roll.

Bruno en Loiba
Fuciño do Porco
Cabo Ortegal
Streets of Porto
Cosmos in a cloudy day
25 de abril
Convento do Carmo
Casa abandonada
Vida campestre
Good times
A different perspective
He and the flowers
The smell of lavander